Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Double Whammy!

So, I have the fire under my butt to post more blogs ever since my last Golden lecture. I met such a wonderful group of ladies that encouraged me to keep maintaining my blog...I keep talking about it, but I really want to get back to posting more regularly here. I want to share stories of things that inspire me, paintings I'm making, new sample boards and supply tips for Golden, food and movie reviews...the WHOLE she-bang. Please stay tuned!

My double whammy title refers to a couple things... firstly, my two blogs in a night (!) but also some recent happenings in my home life.

My wonderful boyfriend (for future blog posts, his name is Justin) moved to San Francisco this month to start law school there. It's been a rough adjustment, as he lived not 3 blocks from me here in Silverlake and has become quite the partner in crime and confidante. Have no fear, we are staying the course and making the distance work, even though it's a challenge. My logic to make this transition smoother was to move somewhere else myself! The timing was right for me to leave my little studio here in Silverlake, so I decided to return to my old stomping ground...downtown LA.

I know, I know...for those of you who are familiar with downtown LA, it's not the most desirable place to live given the close proximity to skid row. BUT! I lived there my first year in LA, and I miss the sense of community and all the exciting things happening in the art scene there (and Raw Materials!). I found a loft...810 sq/ft...big enough for me to use for teaching classes and conducting workshops at home! Once I get things organized, I will be making postcards and advertising my home-studio workshop offerings! Have a peek at the new space:

I had huge anxieties at first about making this change... I'm leaving a lovely neighborhood and a huge backyard with plenty of nature (hummingbirds, butterflies,, skunks and coyotes, too). But I warmed up to this place pretty has a ton of space and is perfect for what I have planned with workshops. Words cannot express how thrilled I am now to move next week! I get the keys on the 26th!!

This weekend, also a double whammy, I am headed to Minnesota for not one, but TWO weddings. One Saturday in a gorgeous backyard garden and one Sunday with a masquerade reception (bring your own mask!), each for the unions of dear girlfriends. It's sure to be a lovely and inspiring trip...I will post photos when I return!

P.S.: Here's a new sketchbook's a study from Vogue magazine.


Michi Michaelson, Orange County, CA said...

Good luck in your new space, Amy! It sounds like a perfect artist's haven!!!! It's fun reading your blog and about the adventures of a professional artist!!!!

Erin Bassett said...

It was so nice to meet you at the Golden class at the Art Bar! -It's really great to see you jumping back into blogging. :D